FMCSA Shuts Down Kansas Party Bus Operator

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has ordered Olathe, Kan.-based passenger carrier Midnight Express cease operations. The FMCSA declared that the company’s owners were operating an unauthorized and unsafe commercial transportation service.

On May 4, 2013, a passenger in a modified motor coach (party bus) operated by Midnight Express fell out of a door and onto the road surface while the bus was moving. The passenger was fatally struck by other vehicles. An inspection of the vehicle revealed realigned seating modifications made to the vehicle resulted in all four emergency exit windows being blocked. The rear emergency exit window was also blocked and the release mechanism was inoperable. There were also serious deficiencies with the vehicle’s brakes and engine exhaust leaks beneath the passenger compartment. As if that weren’t enough, the FMCSA also found that the Midnight Express owners failed to ensure that its drivers were qualified and had complied with federal hours-of-service regulations. Drivers were not subjected to random drug and alcohol tests as required by federal regulations.

In this unfortunate case, tragedy struck an unknowing passenger due to what is an all too common disregard for federal safety regulations by operators of commercial motor vehicles such as party buses and tractor-trailers. At times, the government’s enforcement of these regulations protects the public and avoids unnecessary injury and death. At other times, however, the trucking companies’ failure to follow simples, obvious , and federally mandated safety regulations results in catastrophe. If you or a loved one have been injured in a trucking or bus accident, please contact an attorney with trucking experience for a free consultation.